Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wiggles of the West

I know it's been a very long time since my last post; sorry.

I just returned from Wiggles of the West in Las Vegas were I vended, taught and performed.  What a great time we had; thanks Janie and Chris you both Rock!

Congratulations are in order to Michele for winning the Hobbyist category and to Ekaja from Safford for winning the Rising Star category. Congratulations to Diosa's troupe Osirus for taking 3rd place in the Tribal Fusion Ensemble; it was a great year for AZ dancers!!!

Michele after winning Hobbyist

Ekaja before the competition began

Enjoy the photos from the trip.  Yes I remembered to take my camera and as you can see I wasn't in too many of the photos since I was taking them :-)

Gail and Ekaja at the Shimmy Bliss booth

The hubby helping set up

Gail and Kyla goofing around

Dojo Girls after competing

Gail as Barbie; great routine

Barbie turned into Tribal Barbie midway through her routine

Kyla before competing

till next time....