Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sampler Workshops

Thanks to all who came out for a day of learning, shopping and having fun. It was a perfect day, the weather couldn't have been any better not to hot and it was so good to see everyone especially those I haven't seen in such a long time.

Rukshana had been sewing all night and brought some gorgeous flirtie skirts, tie tops and sets!!!! Be watching my eBay store this week to check out the new inventory!

Helena started out the morning teaching Greek style belly dancing to a full house. Listing to the Greek music brought back memories for me from when I danced at some of the Greek restaurants in town. I love listing to Helena talk about Greece, the dance and the history especially about the last dance she showed.

Sherry V. was next teaching modern & vivacious belly dance fusion with her helper Heather to a packed room of dancers. What a great choreography the students were picking it up so fast; wonderful job ladies especially with all the spins!

Gina taught a really fun Bollywood choreography with all the workshop students looking fantastic following her. The duck walk and the fall to the floor didn't even faze them in the least! :-) Gina performed the dance at the end of the workshop; it's so great to see her perform the room lights up when she dances.

I ended the day with tribal fusion combinations and was so proud of every one that took my workshop! Everyone was still moving and functioning after learning all the other styles before me. Ladies you rock!!!

Big thanks to Azita for vending that day along with huge kudos to Gail and my hubby for helping out. I remembered I brought my camera when Gina started her workshop so I only have a few photos from the day; sorry.

My next big event is my Annual Swap Meet on Saturday January 17th. Mark your calendars it's going to be a great day of belly dancing. Here's more info on the event, I already have 5 vendors signed up!

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