Our first dance was tray and we ended our performance with hand candles. After us was Bea and Martha and than the Dojo Girls performing a very fun set. Mannie was next and than we were off to Tempe to for our next performance. Sorry Diosa we couldn't stay and watch you all dance.
We made it to Plaza de Anaya where TC's annual event was happening in record time! When we got there they had just started so we didn't miss much at all. We were going on second to last which gave us time to practice our veil and candle dances. We started out in the parking lot behind the building since it was so much cooler outside; the place was packed!!! We than moved into the back studio to run through the numbers again.
It was a great show with all styles of dancing and several groups with live music. TC you did it again!
Below are photos from Ground Control; thanks to Kyla I got some very interesting photos some I can't post :-) Sorry no photos from TC's event too crowded I couldn't get close enough to get some good shots.
Next event is County Fair on April 17th.